US-IALE 2018
Hands-on Methods for Teaching Landscape Form and Processes
Garrett C. Millar, Payam Tabrizian, Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Brendan Harmon, Helena Mitasova, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for coming to my talk. I'll be presenting new ways to teach about topics of Landscape Ecology, topics
that are being presented here at the conference this week.
Embodied Interaction
Embodied cognition: a link between perception & action
Feeling, action, & thought are functionally integral to cognition
First, lets briefly discuss the theory that motivates the research to follow.
The notion of Embodied Cognition states that human cognition is shaped by aspects of the entire body. This means feeling,
action, & thought are all functionally integral to cognition.
And Embodied interaction is when people interact both mentally and physically with technology. So, the way
someone interacts with technology can influence how that system is perceived, processed, and understood.
Now that we know this, lets talk about spatial education, and why exactly embodied interaction is of interest.
Spatial Education
Spatially-focused curricula = improved student success
Difficult for students to visualize complex landscape processes
Limits students’ success in geoscience classrooms
Why is this?
Recently, spatial education curricula have more frequently been incorporating spatial thinking
techniques to improve students’ problem-solving skills.
However, students often have difficulty with visualizing spatial relations such as object shapes,
relative locations, and how these change over time.
Coming from a cognitive scientist standpoint, we asked why exactly this may be.
It was proposed that the difficulty students have when it comes to visualizing spatial relations stems (in part) from the inadequacy of traditional teaching methods. I'm specifically referring to the use of 2D materials (such as computers) to teach about complex 3D spatial concepts.
So, this research focuses on the restrictions of traditional teaching methods for Terrain Analysis, and propose an
alternative to help students overcome the difficulty of visualizing landscape processes.
Teaching Methods for Terrain Analysis:
in-situ surveying
drawing contour maps
building physical models
First, here are a few typical methods used to teach Terrain analysis: On-site Surveying, Drawing of Contour Maps, &
Building Physical Models.
However, only some directly teach students how to translate between 2D and 3D space.
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
Inflexible in use, and inadequate for users to perceive & process spatial information
Limit ways geospatial data can be represented
Spatial analyses are also typically carried out with computers, or Grahical User Interfaces.
However, GUIs limit a users input to mouse & keyboards, and feedback to 2D graphics
This means they are inflexible in their use, and are inadequate for students to visualize & process complex landscape
processes because GUIs do NOT allow students to associate spatial data with 3D space, or landscapes.
Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs)
Offer more natural & intuitive mode of interaction
Allow users to cognitively grasp & physically manipulate 3D data
Connect intention, thought, action, & feedback
Help students better explore, model, visualize, & think about complex landscape processes
One solution may be Tangible User Interfaces, as they have previously been shown to enhance spatial ability by
affording embodied interaction and improving perception through visual and haptic feedback.
TUIs are systems which allow users to interact with digital information through user-performed physical (i.e., hands-on) input.
This more natural mode of interaction allows students to associate 2D field, map, and GIS data simultaneously with
complex, 3D landscape structures
Therefore, TUIs help students better explore, model, visualize, and learn about
complex landscape processes.
Tangible Landscape:
A tangible user interface powered by open source GIS
Tangible Landscape: Design & Concept
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With Tangible Landscape you can hold a GIS in your hands - feeling the shape of the earth, sculpting its topography, and directing the flow of water.
Tangible Landscape is a tangible user interface that uses a physical representation of a landscape which students can
make changes to.
As users change the physical model, the changes are 3D scanned by the Kinect, georeferenced, and imported
GRASS uses this information to compute any kind of geospatial analyses, models, and simulations. The results of
these analyses are then projected back onto the physical model to the user as feedback, ALL in REAL-TIME.
BECAUSE OF THIS: TL provides a much broader range of teaching opportunities than other technologies.
Examples of these applications include:
--> landform analysis, elevation difference analysis, erosion modeling, firespread, plant disease modeling AND MANY others.
Students can physically interact with digital models and simulations by:
sculpting surfaces (hands)
carving surfaces (knife)
placing waypoints (markers)
drawing walking routes (laser)
establishing viewpoints (marker)
planting vegetation (felt)
Tangible Landscape is also unique in that it allows students to interact with a landscape in many different ways
These various modes of interaction enable students to immediately see how they are changing terrain properties like
contours, hillslope steepness, or water flow.
Tangible Lessons
Water flow: flowpath, channeling, & ponding
Landforms: required participants to build & identify landforms
Cut & fill: participants changes landscapes based on provided contours
Using Tangible Landscape, we developed 3 tangible teaching lessons to teach the concepts of grading
(i.e., earthwork), geomorphology, and hydrology.
Water Flow
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The first lesson is Water Flow, or Hydrology. It is split into 3 parts... or "sub-tasks"
FLOWPATH: students have to find the highest source point from which water will
flow into the target point in the landscape.
CHANNELING: had to modify the terrain surface–while making minimal changes to the landscapes–to
make water flow from the given source point to the given target point.
PONDING: (given a limited amount of sand) had to build a damn on a stream to impound the maximum volume of water.
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GRASS GIS module: r.geomorphon
The second is Landforms, which also contains 3 subtasks... simple, compound, & complex landforms.
Each sub-task requires students to create and identify given landforms, completed in 3 rounds of increasing difficulty.
SIMPLE: 1 depression (round 1); 1 ridge (round 2); & 1 valley (round 3)
COMPUND: 2 ridges & 1 valley (round 1); 1 peak, 1 valley, & 1 depression (round 2); 2 valleys & 1 depression (round 3)
COMPLEX: 3 ridges & 3 valleys (round 1); 3 peaks, 2 depression, & 2 ridges (round 2); 1 footslope & 1 spur (round 3)
Cut & Fill
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The third is Cut & Fill, or Grading, where students must try to change landscapes to match a desired elevation
based on provided feedback.
This is made up of two parts: (1) Basic where students are provided with blue and red colors,
with blue signifying where sand should be added, and red to signify where sand should be cut; and
(2) Advanced which required students to match the desired elevation using only contour lines and grapical feedback (bar graph)
Pilot Study:
Teaching Landscape Form & Processes
Research Objectives
Test the effectiveness of a hands-on method for teaching spatial concepts using Tangible Landscape by:
examining students’ ratings of the system’s usability & user experience
testing students’ acquisition & transfer of knowledge
In efforts to test the effectiveness of using a TUI to teach spatial concepts (specifically Terrain Analysis),
these lessons were used in a pilot study, where graduate Landscape Architecture students were tested before and after
each tangible lesson in order to examine any increases in spatial learning.
Three, one-week sessions
Contained tangible lessons for teaching fundamentals of grading, geomorphology, & hydrology
Session format:
paper-based pretest
introduction explaining the lesson content
tangible lessons
paper-based posttest
16 graduate students from a Landform, Grading, & Site Systems course
Students worked in pairs for entire 3-week study
Interaction, feedback, & example solutions
Materials & Scoring
Topographic Map Assessment (TMA) (Newcombe et al., 2015)
Assessed students’ acquisition & transfer of spatial skills
Tangible Lesson Assessments
Measured student’s knowledge specific to tangible lesson content (landforms, cut & fill)
User Experience Survey
Examined how students perceived and interacted with Tangible Landscape, & how they collaborated to solve a problem
TMA: Administered in the 1st session & two weeks after the last session
Tangible Lesson Assessments: administered before & after the TL tasks
Landforms assessment: had to identify & write the landform type (out of 5 types total) inside the boundary of a contour map of a mountainous area
Cut & fill assessment: 2 problems (simple & complex) corresponding to the tasks completed with TL.
--> 1st problem- had to highlight areas in the contour map that had undergone cut & fill operations.
--> 2nd problem- had to use 3D views & profiles to complete the contour lines inside a demarcated blank region on the contour map.
TMA contains 3 types of topographic map test items:
(1) elevation items–require an understanding of how elevation is represented through contour lines;
(2) shape items–comprehension of 3D shapes within the represented terrain;
(3) shape and elevation items–contain both the aforementioned constructs.
Spatial skills: related to understanding how elevation is encoded on topographic maps & how 3D terrain shape is represented
on map
Knowledge Building: Tangible Lessons
Individual Scores
Mean Scores
Landforms pretest: Paired t-test (to determine if there was a significant difference between administration
time (Pre –> Post)) found no significant response accuracy differences
Cut & Fill: Paired t-test revealed a significant increase in mean response accuracy between pre- & posttest (t(2.73), p = .016).
Specifically, after completing the cut & fill tangible lesson, participants performed significantly higher on the cut &
fill assessment (post (M = 59.97, SD = 16.14)) when compared to assessment performance before the lesson (pre (M = 53.25, SD =
Knowledge Building: TMA
Individual Scores
Mean Scores
Majority of participants (N = 12) scored above 70% .
Paired t-test revealed no significant differences in mean TMA response accuracy between Pre & Post
differences (t(-0.66), p = .521).
Paired t-tests by TMA question type showed no significant differences
in response accuracy across multiple levels of geographic understanding.
User Experience
All constructs pass the neutral value of 4 = students rated the system positively
Most advantageous aspects of Tangible Landscape?
ability to explore various solutions for the given problems (e.g., water flow, landforms, cut and fill)
physical objects allowed students to change parameters (e.g., location of solution points) very quickly
projected visual feedback helped them better understand the effects of changing those parameters
Most advantageous:
-> Given problems: water flow, landforms, cut and fill) (M = 6.63, SD = 0.62)
-> Physical objects: wooden markers & sculpting knife allowed them to change parameters very quickly (M = 6.63, SD = 0.62)
Parameters: location of solution points, adding or removing sand
-> projected visual feedback helped them better understand the effects of changing those parameters (M = 6.38, SD = 0.84).
Preliminary evidence for Tangible Landscape supporting improved user experience and marginal, task-specific
knowledge building
Knowledge building:
Ability to directly feel, grasp, and manipulate the various tangible materials
User Experience:
Students can try, see and feel, and directly experience multiple variations of a given solution
KNOWLEDGE BUILDING: However, this does not explain why only the cut and fill tangible lesson produced
an increase in assessment scores (from pre- posttest). Potentially, the ability to interact with 3D space
is more appropriate for learning about concepts of land surface grading–in comparison to other geospatial concepts.
SECOND: Cut & Fill involved a logical progression in information perception provided users with a real-time guide to
help them better understand where to add or remove sand to match the target digital elevation model.
This likely gives users a more concrete and simplified 3D physical representation of land surface change, leading to
increased understanding of the concept as a whole, and then using this to better identify and comprehend more abstract,
paper-based 2D representations when taking the assessment.
UX: Action is reversible with TL, this encourages users to explore w/o risk of consequence
Results showed visual feedback given enabled students to better understand
effects of changing topographic parameters (e.g., contours), as it allows users to physically act upon
tangible objects and immediately projects feedback to assist them in understanding how their actions
impact spatiotemporal processes like the flow of water over a landscape.
Garrett C. Millar
PhD Student Geospatial Analytics
Payam Tabrizian
PhD Student College of Design
Anna Petrasova
Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Geospatial Analytics
Vaclav Petras
PhD Candidate Geospatial Analytics
Brendan Harmon
Assistant Professor Landscape Architecture Louisiana State University
Helena Mitasova
Associate Director of Geovisualization Center for Geospatial Analytics
Ross Meentemeyer
Director Center for Geospatial Analytics
We would like to thank Carla Delcambre of the Landscape Architecture department at North Carolina State University for
working with us to implement this study in her course. We also thank the Landscape Architecture graduate students for
participating in the study.
Come see Tangible Landscape for yourself!
(Tonight's poster social)
Thank you!
Lastly, we were planning to demonstrate Tangible Landscape during this session,
but it made more sense to do so at the poster social.
So we would love for anyone to come by, interact with the models, and chat with us.
And with that, thank you, and I will take any questions.