Mapping the Emotional Dimension:
Measuring Human Behavior Across Space & Time
to Inform Tourism & Leisure Management
Garrett C. Millar
My Netherlands Experience
My Netherlands Experience


  • Why do emotions matter?
  • Measuring emotion
  • Mapping emotional experiences

Study Area — Netherlands


Framework for Cyclists' Emotional Experiences


Buffers as an Environment Interaction Metric


Mapping Emotion


Mapping Emotion cont'd


Descriptive Statistics: Road Types


Descriptive Statistics: Land Use by Type


Descriptive Statistics: Land Use by Group

Regressions: Ordinary Least Squares & Spatial Autoregressive Modeling
Comparing coefficient values and standard errors between regression models. Note. Values highlighted in yellow significant at p < 0.01 level.
Any value shown as 0 was too small to be reported in table (surpassed 10th decimal place).
SE = Standard Errors. OLS = Ordinary Least Squares.
OLS Model Spatial Lag Model Spatial Error Model
Coefficients SE Coefficients SE Coefficients SE
Altitude 0.031 0.001 0.01 0.00 0.028 0.001
Speed 0.009 0.01 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.014
Urban Areas 0.008 0.002 -0.169 0.001 -0.428 0.002
Green Areas 0.081 0.019 0.008 0.016 0.004 0.024
Water -0.48 0.012 0.032 0.01 0.023 0.025
Interactive Application Development

Web Mapping

Outdoors: Methodology

Spatial Gridding & Averaging

Outdoors: Methodology

Spatial Gridding & Averaging

Road Map
Outdoors: Methodology

Spatial Gridding & Averaging

Road Map Satellite
Outdoors: Methodology

Spatial Gridding & Averaging

Road Map Satellite Topographical

Spatial Gridding & Averaging

Indoors: Methodology

Beacon Location Processing

Generate Beacon Coordinates
Indoors: Methodology

Beacon Location Processing

Generate Beacon Coordinates Generate Buffers
Indoors: Methodology

Beacon Location Processing

Generate Beacon Coordinates Generate Buffers Crop Buffers by Floor Plans
Indoors: Methodology
Indoor Beacon Heatmap: Ground Floor
Indoors: Methodology
Indoor Beacon Heatmap: First Floor
Indoors: Methodology
What Exhibits are Visitors Responding to Emotionally?
Interactive Application Development
Wrapping Up
  • What have we learned?
    • Mapping emotions is useful
    • Spatially analyzing and visualizing emotional data is a tough nut to crack
  • Whats next? Where do we go from here?

Next Steps?


Thank you!

Extra Slides

Cycling: Methodology

GPS Data

Cycling: Methodology

Skin Conductance

Cycling: Results

Descriptive Statistics: Road Groups

Nuenen Outdoors: Methodology

GPS Data

Nuenen Outdoors: Methodology

Skin Conductance